Morfologiska data för Hepsetus occidentalis
Main Ref. Decru, E., E. Vreven and J. Snoeks, 2012
Utseende refererar till
Bones in OsteoBase


specialiserade organ
annat utseende
andra färger

Karaktäristiska egenskaper hos juveniler och adulter

Särskilt slående egenskaper
Lateral kroppsform elongated
Dorsal profil av huvudet
Typ av mun/snyte
Munnens placering
Type of scales

Diagnosis: This species can be distinguished from all other Hepsetus species by the following unique combination of characters: number of lateral line scales high, 49–60; nostril-lower jaw distance high, 40.4–47.6% of head length; number of gill rakers on first arch low, 14–22; number of scales between dorsal fin and lateral line 7.5-9.5; and number of scales between adipose fin and lateral line 4.5-6.5 (Ref. 88135).

Description: head intermediately broad, but relatively deep; intermediate snout width and snout length compared with congeners; body rather broad, more or less as broad as head (Ref. 88135). Body form elongate, with dorsal and anal fins, though in a posterior position in all Hepsetus species, more forward-positioned relative to other Hepsetus (Ref. 88135). A high number of scales, 49-60 lateral line scales; 15-22 predorsal scales; 18-23 dorsal-adipose scales; 13-19 adipose-caudal scales; 3-6 scales between lateral line and pelvic fin; 5-7 scales between lateral line and anal fin (Ref. 88135, 94534). Intermediate to high number of quite small gill rakers on first gill arch (Ref. 88135).

Colouration: In alcohol, general colour pattern quite variable from light brownish with a yellow belly to a dark brownish colour all over the body; dorsal surface of head and body darker than ventrally with gradual change from darker to lighter tones on flanks; some specimens more uniformly coloured; a vague horizontal line pattern on the flanks, from anterior border of adipose fin, occasionally from posterior border of dorsal fin, to caudal fin base is sometimes present, resulting from the scales having a darker upper and lower border, while the remaining part of the scales remains paler; these lines cover the flanks from approximately three scale rows above down to two scale rows below the lateral line; higher on the flanks, there is sometimes a mosaic pattern in overall colour of the scales, darker and brighter scales alternating, from approximately three scales above the lateral line to eight lines above lateral line; sometimes series of 10-16 greyish vertical bands present on dorsolateral body parts; the presence of these bands appears to be linked to stress; rounded dorsoventrally elongated blackish spot behind head and just above lateral line (Ref. 88135). Posterior part of head with three, well-marked, dark brownish bands running from posterior border of the eye to anterior edge of preopercle; bands sometimes faded and poorly visible; lower half of postopercle brownish, sometimes blackish; all fins but the adipose fin yellowish to dark brownish, more or less same as body colour; distally translucent; caudal fin translucent, in mid-centre and proximally on upper and lower lobes; dorsal, anal and caudal fins with prominent small, roundish, dark brown spots; spots on fins more prominent on larger specimens, larger than about 150mm standard length; some large specimens, more than about 290mm standard length, with spots also on pelvic fins; adipose fin base yellowish to darker brownish, black distally (Ref. 88135).

Ease of Identification

Meristiska karaktäristika för Hepsetus occidentalis

Sidolinjer 1 avbruten: No
Fjäll längs sidolinje 49 - 60
Porbärande fjäll längs sidolinje
Fjäll i lateralserie
Antal rader fjäll ovan sidolinje 7.5 - 9.5
Antal rader fjäll under sidolinje 3 - 6
Fjäll runt stjärtfensspole
Skäggtömmar 0
Gälspringor (endast hos hajar/rockor)
på undre del av gälbåge 7 - 13
på övre del av gälbåge 5 - 10
totalt 14 - 22



Egenskaper no striking attributes
Antal fenor 1
Antal småfenor Dorsal   
Totalt antal hårda fenstrålar
Totalt antal mjuka fenstrålar
Fettfena present


Egenskaper forked; more or less normal


Antal fenor 1
Totalt antal hårda fenstrålar
Totalt antal mjuka fenstrålar

Pariga fenor

Bröstfena Egenskaper  more or less normal
Fenstrålar hårda     
Fenstrålar mjuka   
Bukfenor Egenskaper  more or less normal
Position    abdominal  before origin of D1
Fenstrålar hårda     
Fenstrålar mjuka   
Main Ref. (t.ex. 9948)
Ordlista ( t.ex. cephalopods )
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