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Family: Nothobranchiidae African rivulines

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304 species
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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Aphyosemion abacinum Africa 3.5 TL 1976
Aphyosemion ahli Africa 6 TL 1933
Aphyosemion alpha Africa 50 TL 1998
Aphyosemion amoenum Red-finned killi Africa 5 TL 1976
Aphyosemion aurantiacum Africa 3.3 SL 2018
Aphyosemion aureum Golden killi Africa 5 TL 1980
Aphyosemion australe Lyretail panchax Africa 6 TL 1921
Aphyosemion bamilekorum Bamileke killi Africa 4 TL 1971
Aphyosemion barakoniense Africa 4.7 SL 2018
Aphyosemion batesii Bates' killi Africa 9 TL 1911
Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Two-striped Aphyosemion Africa 5 TL 1924
Aphyosemion bitteri Africa 2.9 SL 2016
Aphyosemion bivittatum Twostripe lyretail Africa 5 TL 1895
Aphyosemion bualanum Africa 5 TL 1924
Aphyosemion buytaerti Africa 5 TL 1978
Aphyosemion callipteron Africa 4 TL 1987
Aphyosemion calliurum Banner lyretail Africa 5 TL 1911
Aphyosemion cameronense Cameroon killi Africa 5 TL 1903
Aphyosemion campomaanense Africa 5.5 SL 2009
Aphyosemion castaneum Africa 3.4 SL 1924
Aphyosemion caudofasciatum Caudal-stripe killi Africa 5 TL 1979
Aphyosemion celiae Africa 5 TL 1971
Aphyosemion chauchei Africa 5 TL 1981
Aphyosemion christyi Christy's Lyretail Africa 6 TL 1915
Aphyosemion citrineipinnis Africa 5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion coeleste Sky-blue killi Africa 5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion cognatum Redspot panchax Africa 5 TL 1951
Aphyosemion congicum Congo killi Africa 4.5 TL 1924
Aphyosemion cryptum Africa 4.0 SL 2018
Aphyosemion cyanoflavum Africa 2.8 SL 2018
Aphyosemion cyanostictum Gabon jewelfish Africa 6.5 TL 1968
Aphyosemion dargei Mbam killi Africa 5 TL 1987
Aphyosemion decorsei Africa 5 TL 1904
Aphyosemion ecucuense Africa 2.8 SL 2008
Aphyosemion edeanum Edea killi Africa 5 TL 1987
Aphyosemion elberti Red barred killi Africa 4 TL 1924
Aphyosemion elegans Elegant killi Africa 5 TL 1899
Aphyosemion erythron Africa 3.0 SL 2008
Aphyosemion escherichi Escherich's killi Africa 5 TL 1924
Aphyosemion etsamense Africa 3.2 SL 2005
Aphyosemion exigoideum False jewel killi Africa 6 TL 1977
Aphyosemion exiguum Jewel killi Africa 4 TL 1911
Aphyosemion fellmanni Africa 3.0 SL 2018
Aphyosemion ferranti Africa 5 TL 1910
Aphyosemion flammulatum Africa 4.2 SL 2018
Aphyosemion flavocyaneum Africa 3.2 SL 2018
Aphyosemion franzwerneri Goby killi Africa 5 TL 1971
Aphyosemion fulgens Africa 3.5 TL 1975
Aphyosemion gabunense Gabon killi Africa 5 TL 1975
Aphyosemion georgiae Africa 3.5 TL 1968
Aphyosemion grelli Africa 3.1 SL 2013
Aphyosemion hanneloreae Hannelore's killi Africa 4 TL 1985
Aphyosemion heinemanni Heinemann's killi Africa 5 TL 1983
Aphyosemion hera Africa 3.1 SL 1998
Aphyosemion herzogi Herzog's killi Africa 5 TL 1975
Aphyosemion hofmanni Hofmann's killi Africa 5 TL 1980
Aphyosemion jeanhuberi Africa 3.9 SL 2015
Aphyosemion joergenscheeli Africa 6 TL 1977
Aphyosemion kouamense Africa 4.2 TL 1999
Aphyosemion koungueense Africa 2.4 SL 2007
Aphyosemion labarrei Africa 5 TL 1951
Aphyosemion lambertorum Africa 5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion lefiniense Africa 5 TL 1984
Aphyosemion lividum Africa 3.7 SL 2007
Aphyosemion loennbergii Africa 5 TL 1903
Aphyosemion louessense Africa 5 TL 1931
Aphyosemion lugens Africa 5 TL 1991
Aphyosemion lujae Africa 5 TL 1911
Aphyosemion maculatum Africa 5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion malumbresi Africa 2.1 SL 2006
Aphyosemion mandoroense Africa 3.8 SL 2018
Aphyosemion melanogaster Africa 2.6 SL 2005
Aphyosemion melinoeides Africa 2.5 SL 2007
Aphyosemion mengilai Africa 4.2 SL 2014
Aphyosemion mimbon Africa 5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion musafirii Africa 3.7 SL 2011
Aphyosemion ocellatum Africa 6 TL 1977
Aphyosemion ogoense Africa 5 TL 1930
Aphyosemion omega Africa 3.1 SL 2007
Aphyosemion pamaense Africa 3.0 SL 2013
Aphyosemion pascheni Africa 5 TL 1928
Aphyosemion passaroi Africa 5 TL 1994
Aphyosemion plagitaenium Africa 3.9 SL 2004
Aphyosemion poliaki Africa 5 TL 1991
Aphyosemion polli Africa 5 TL 1987
Aphyosemion primigenium Africa 5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion pseudoelegans Africa 3.7 SL 2012
Aphyosemion punctatum Africa 5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion punctulatum Africa 3.0 SL 2005
Aphyosemion pusillum Africa 2.9 SL 2018
Aphyosemion raddai Africa 6 TL 1975
Aphyosemion rectogoense Africa 5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion riggenbachi Africa 7 TL 1924
Aphyosemion rubrogaster Africa 2.7 SL 2018
Aphyosemion schioetzi Africa 5 TL 1981
Aphyosemion schluppi Africa 5 TL 1978
Aphyosemion schoutedeni Africa 1920
Aphyosemion seegersi Africa 3.5 TL 1980
Aphyosemion splendopleure Africa 5.5 TL 1929
Aphyosemion striatum Africa 6 TL 1911
Aphyosemion teugelsi Africa 2.4 SL 2010
Aphyosemion thysi Africa 4.5 TL 1978
Aphyosemion tirbaki Africa 3.9 SL 1999
Aphyosemion trilineatus Africa 5.1 TL 1930
Aphyosemion volcanum Africa 4.5 TL 1977
Aphyosemion wachtersi Africa 5 TL 1978
Aphyosemion wildekampi Africa 5 TL 1973
Aphyosemion wuendschi Wuendsch's killi Africa 4 TL 1985
Aphyosemion zygaima Africa 5 TL 1981
Archiaphyosemion guineense Guinean killi Africa 7 TL 1954
Callopanchax huwaldi Africa 6.7 SL 1980
Callopanchax monroviae Africa 8 TL 1972
Callopanchax occidentalis Golden pheasant panchax Africa 8 TL 1966
Callopanchax sidibeorum Africa 6.0 SL 2010
Callopanchax toddi Africa 8 TL 1966
Epiplatys annulatus Banded panchax Africa 4 TL 1915
Epiplatys ansorgii Africa 8 TL 1911
Epiplatys atratus Africa 4.3 SL 2013
Epiplatys barmoiensis Africa 7 TL 1968
Epiplatys biafranus Africa 5 TL 1970
Epiplatys bifasciatus Africa 6 TL 1881
Epiplatys cashneri Africa 4.1 SL 2021
Epiplatys chaperi Toothed carp Africa 6 TL 1882
Epiplatys chevalieri Africa 6 TL 1904
Epiplatys coccinatus Africa 9 TL 1982
Epiplatys dageti Redchin panchax Africa 6 TL 1953
Epiplatys duboisi Dubois' Panchax Africa 3.5 TL 1952
Epiplatys esekanus Africa 6.5 TL 1968
Epiplatys etzeli Africa 5 TL 1975
Epiplatys fasciolatus Africa 9 TL 1866
Epiplatys grahami Africa 7 TL 1911
Epiplatys guineensis Africa 7 TL 1994
Epiplatys hildegardae Africa 7 TL 1978
Epiplatys huberi Africa 6 TL 1981
Epiplatys infrafasciatus Africa 1866
Epiplatys josianae Africa 7 TL 1983
Epiplatys lamottei Redspotted panchax Africa 7 TL 1954
Epiplatys longiventralis Africa 6 TL 1911
Epiplatys mesogramma Africa 6 TL 1980
Epiplatys multifasciatus Africa 6 TL 1913
Epiplatys neumanni Africa 6 TL 1993
Epiplatys njalaensis Africa 6 TL 1976
Epiplatys olbrechtsi Africa 8 TL 1941
Epiplatys phoeniceps Africa 6 TL 1980
Epiplatys roloffi Africa 6 TL 1978
Epiplatys ruhkopfi Africa 7.5 TL 1980
Epiplatys sangmelinensis Africa 6 TL 1928
Epiplatys sexfasciatus Sixbar panchax Africa 10 SL 1862
Epiplatys singa Africa 6 TL 1899
Epiplatys spilargyreius Africa 5.5 TL 1861
Epiplatys togolensis Africa 8 TL 1971
Episemion krystallinoron Africa 2006
Fenerbahce devosi Africa 2.6 SL 2011
Fenerbahce formosus Starhead killi Africa 4 TL 1979
Foerschichthys nigeriensis Africa 3.5 TL 1929
Fundulopanchax amieti Amiet's Lyretail Africa 7 TL 1976
Fundulopanchax arnoldi Arnold's killi Africa 7.4 TL 1908
Fundulopanchax avichang Africa 2.6 TL 2001
Fundulopanchax cinnamomeus Cinnamon Killi Africa 6 TL 1963
Fundulopanchax clauseni Africa 1975
Fundulopanchax deltaensis Delta killi Africa 8 SL 1976
Fundulopanchax fallax Kribi killi Africa 9 TL 1935
Fundulopanchax filamentosus Plumed lyretail Africa 5.5 TL 1933
Fundulopanchax gardneri Blue lyretail Africa 6.5 TL 1911
Fundulopanchax gresensi Africa 4.7 SL 2003
Fundulopanchax gularis Gulare Africa 9 TL 1902
Fundulopanchax intermittens Africa 6.5 TL 1974
Fundulopanchax kamdemi Africa 7.3 SL 2007
Fundulopanchax lacustris Ejagham killi Africa 6 TL 1974
Fundulopanchax mamfensis Mamfe killi Africa 6 TL 1974
Fundulopanchax marmoratus Marbled lyretail Africa 6 TL 1973
Fundulopanchax mirabilis Africa 7 SL 1970
Fundulopanchax moensis Africa 6.5 TL 1970
Fundulopanchax ndianus Africa 6 TL 1968
Fundulopanchax oeseri Africa 8 TL 1928
Fundulopanchax powelli Africa 2.8 SL 1994
Fundulopanchax puerzli Africa 8 TL 1974
Fundulopanchax robertsoni Africa 6 TL 1974
Fundulopanchax rubrolabialis Africa 6 TL 1973
Fundulopanchax scheeli Africa 6 TL 1970
Fundulopanchax sjostedti Blue gularis Africa 13 SL 1895
Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi Africa 8 TL 1976
Fundulopanchax traudeae Africa 4 SL 1971
Fundulopanchax walkeri Africa 6 TL 1911
Nimbapanchax jeanpoli Jeanpol's killi Africa 5.5 TL 1979
Nimbapanchax maeseni Africa 4.5 SL 1941
Nimbapanchax melanopterygius Africa 4.4 SL 2009
Nimbapanchax petersi Africa 5 TL 1882
Nimbapanchax viridis Africa 7 TL 1973
Nothobranchius albertinensis Africa 5.0 SL 2020
Nothobranchius albimarginatus Africa 3.3 SL 1998
Nothobranchius angelae Africa 4.4 SL 2019
Nothobranchius annectens Africa 3.3 SL 1998
Nothobranchius attenboroughi Africa 4.4 SL 2020
Nothobranchius balamaensis Africa 3.0 SL 2022
Nothobranchius bellemansi Africa 4.6 SL 2014
Nothobranchius bojiensis Boji Plains nothobranch Africa 4.8 SL 1992
Nothobranchius boklundi Africa 4.4 SL 2010
Nothobranchius brieni Africa 6 TL 1938
Nothobranchius capriviensis Caprivi Nothobranchius Africa 5.0 SL 2015
Nothobranchius cardinalis Cardinal Nothobranchius Africa 2.7 SL 2008
Nothobranchius chochamandai Africa 3.5 SL 2014
Nothobranchius cooperi Africa 2.6 SL 2017
Nothobranchius derhami Africa 3.8 SL 2019
Nothobranchius ditte Africa 2018
Nothobranchius eggersi Africa 5 TL 1982
Nothobranchius elongatus Elongate nothobranch Africa 6 TL 1982
Nothobranchius elucens Africa 3.9 SL 2021
Nothobranchius fasciatus Africa 7 TL 1992
Nothobranchius flagrans Africa 3.9 SL 2014
Nothobranchius flammicomantis Africa 4.7 SL 1998
Nothobranchius foerschi Africa 5 TL 1979
Nothobranchius furzeri Turquoise killifish Africa 6.5 TL 1971
Nothobranchius fuscotaeniatus Africa 3.3 SL 1997
Nothobranchius geminus Africa 3.2 SL 2002
Nothobranchius guentheri Redtail notho Africa 3.5 SL 1893
Nothobranchius hassoni Africa 4.2 SL 2004
Nothobranchius hengstleri Africa 4.1 SL 2007
Nothobranchius hoermanni Africa 5.1 SL 2020
Nothobranchius insularis Africa 5.3 SL 2017
Nothobranchius interruptus Kikambala nothobranch Africa 6.5 TL 1979
Nothobranchius itigiensis Africa 4.3 SL 2020
Nothobranchius ivanovae Africa 4.5 SL 2012
Nothobranchius janpapi Africa 4.5 TL 1977
Nothobranchius jubbi Africa 6 TL 1979
Nothobranchius kadleci Africa 3.9 SL 2010
Nothobranchius kafuensis Kafue killifish Africa 6 TL 1989
Nothobranchius kardashevi Africa 3.8 SL 2012
Nothobranchius kilomberoensis Africa 4.1 SL 2002
Nothobranchius kirki Redfin notho Africa 5 TL 1969
Nothobranchius korthausae Africa 5 TL 1973
Nothobranchius krammeri Africa 3.3 SL 2008
Nothobranchius krysanovi Africa 3.1 SL 2010
Nothobranchius kwalensis Africa 4.2 SL 2019
Nothobranchius lourensi Africa 5 TL 1977
Nothobranchius lucius Africa 5.4 SL 2009
Nothobranchius luekei Africa 4.5 TL 1984
Nothobranchius makondorum Africa 6.1 SL 2009
Nothobranchius malaissei Africa 5.5 TL 1978
Nothobranchius matanduensis Africa 9.5 SL 2020
Nothobranchius melanospilus Blackspotted nothobranch Africa 5.3 SL 1896
Nothobranchius microlepis Small scaled nothobranch Africa 8 TL 1897
Nothobranchius milvertzi Africa 3.7 SL 2014
Nothobranchius mkuziensis Africa 3.4 SL 1934
Nothobranchius moameensis Africa 4.3 SL 2020
Nothobranchius neumanni Africa 6.5 SL 1905
Nothobranchius niassa Africa 2.9 SL 2012
Nothobranchius nikiforovi Africa 3 SL 2021
Nothobranchius nubaensis Africa 5.0 SL 2009
Nothobranchius occultus Africa 3.9 SL 2014

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013