Fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Soleidae Soles

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184 species
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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Achiroides leucorhynchos Asia 8 SL 1851
Achiroides melanorhynchus Asia 14 SL 1850
Aesopia cornuta Unicorn sole Indo-West Pacific 25 SL 1858
Aseraggodes albidus White sole Western Pacific 2.9 SL 2007
Aseraggodes andersoni Western Indian Ocean 2.4 SL 2013
Aseraggodes auroculus Eastern Central Pacific 3.6 SL 2005
Aseraggodes bahamondei South Pacific sole South Pacific 20 TL 1987
Aseraggodes beauforti Western Pacific 4.9 SL 1930
Aseraggodes borehami Boreham's sole Eastern Central Pacific 10.3 SL 1996
Aseraggodes brevirostris Western Indian Ocean 4.4 SL 2006
Aseraggodes chapleaui Madang sole Western Pacific 3.6 SL 2007
Aseraggodes cheni Northwest Pacific 7.5 SL 2007
Aseraggodes corymbus Western Pacific 7.7 SL 2007
Aseraggodes crypticus Cryptic Sole Eastern Indian Ocean 4.9 SL 2007
Aseraggodes cyaneus Western Pacific 8.3 SL 1890
Aseraggodes cyclurus Eastern Central Pacific 7.3 SL 2005
Aseraggodes diringeri Western Indian Ocean 10.4 SL 1997
Aseraggodes dubius Western Central Pacific 8.5 SL 1913
Aseraggodes filiger Western Pacific 110 TL 1913
Aseraggodes firmisquamis Western Pacific 3.2 SL 2005
Aseraggodes guttulatus Indo-West Pacific 7.9 SL 1858
Aseraggodes haackeanus Southern sole Eastern Indian Ocean 14 TL 1883
Aseraggodes heemstrai Western Indian Ocean 8.7 SL 2006
Aseraggodes heraldi Western Pacific 4.7 SL 2005
Aseraggodes herrei Herre's sole Eastern Pacific 15 TL 1940
Aseraggodes holcomi Eastern Central Pacific 5.9 SL 2002
Aseraggodes jenny Western Indian Ocean 5.6 SL 2006
Aseraggodes kaianus Western Pacific 14 SL 1880
Aseraggodes kimurai Western Pacific 7.2 SL 2007
Aseraggodes kobensis Western Pacific 10 SL 1896
Aseraggodes kruppi Western Indian Ocean 2.4 SL 2013
Aseraggodes lateralis Eastern Central Pacific 6.4 SL 2005
Aseraggodes lenisquamis Southwestern Pacific 10.2 SL 2005
Aseraggodes longipinnis Longfinned sole Western Pacific 5.5 SL 2007
Aseraggodes macronasus Western Indian Ocean 6.2 SL 2013
Aseraggodes magnoculus Western Central Pacific 4.0 SL 2005
Aseraggodes martine Western Indian Ocean 6.5 SL 2013
Aseraggodes matsuurai Lombok sole Western Pacific 5.5 SL 2007
Aseraggodes melanostictus Mottled sole Pacific Ocean 6 TL 1877
Aseraggodes microlepidotus Western Central Pacific. 1913
Aseraggodes nigrocirratus Southwest Pacific 8.9 SL 2005
Aseraggodes normani Western Central Pacific 13.2 TL 1930
Aseraggodes orientalis Northwest Pacific 4.4 SL 2007
Aseraggodes pelvicus North Central Pacific 6.8 SL 2005
Aseraggodes ramsaii Southwest Pacific 6.4 SL 1889
Aseraggodes satapoomini Andaman sole Eastern Indian Ocean 4.5 SL 2007
Aseraggodes senoui Mabul sole Western Pacific 4.3 SL 2007
Aseraggodes sinusarabici Western Indian Ocean 7.9 SL 1931
Aseraggodes steinitzi Western Indian Ocean 3.6 SL 1971
Aseraggodes suzumotoi Ambon sole Western Pacific 7.5 SL 2007
Aseraggodes texturatus Western Central Pacific 7.7 SL 1913
Aseraggodes therese Therese's sole Eastern Central Pacific 6.6 SL 1996
Aseraggodes umbratilis Western Indian Ocean 7.8 SL 1894
Aseraggodes whitakeri Whitaker's sole Pacific Ocean 4 SL 1966
Aseraggodes winterbottomi Negros sole Western Pacific 4.6 SL 2007
Aseraggodes xenicus Dwarf sole Indo-West Pacific 8 TL 1963
Aseraggodes zizette Mentawai sole Western Pacific 3.6 SL 2007
Austroglossus microlepis West coast sole Southeast Atlantic 75 TL 1863
Austroglossus pectoralis Mud sole Southeast Atlantic 60 TL 1858
Barbourichthys zanzibaricus Zanzibar sole Western Indian Ocean 8.6 TL 1934
Barnardichthys fulvomarginata Southeast Atlantic and We 26 TL 1904
Bathysolea lactea Eastern Central Atlantic 15 TL 1916
Bathysolea lagarderae Western Indian Ocean 12 SL 1990
Bathysolea polli Eastern Atlantic 25 SL 1950
Bathysolea profundicola Deepwater sole Eastern Atlantic 21 SL 1888
Brachirus aenea Western Pacific 21 TL 1931
Brachirus annularis Annular sole Indo-West Pacific 13 TL 1934
Brachirus aspilos Indo-Pacific 38 TL 1852
Brachirus breviceps Shorthead sole Western Pacific 1910
Brachirus fitzroiensis Western Pacific 1882
Brachirus harmandi Asia 10 SL 1878
Brachirus macrolepis Indian Ocean (Ref. 45255) 1858
Brachirus niger Black sole Southwest Pacific 35 TL 1880
Brachirus orientalis Oriental sole Indo-West Pacific 38 TL 1801
Brachirus pan Pan sole Indo-West Pacific 11.1 TL 1822
Brachirus panoides Asia 20 TL 1851
Brachirus sayaensis Western Indian Ocean 14.8 SL 2019
Brachirus selheimi Freshwater sole Oceania 15 TL 1882
Brachirus siamensis Asia 15 SL 1878
Brachirus swinhonis Western Pacific 9.9 SL 1867
Brachirus villosus Velvety sole Asia and Oceania 10.5 SL 1907
Buglossidium luteum Solenette Eastern Atlantic 20 TL 1810
Dagetichthys lakdoensis Africa 40 TL 1964
Dagetichthys lusitanicus Portuguese sole Eastern Atlantic 40 TL 1868
Dagetichthys marginatus White-margined sole Eastern Indian Ocean 50 TL 1900
Dexillus muelleri Tufted sole Indo-West Pacific 18 TL 1879
Dicologlossa cuneata Wedge sole Eastern Atlantic 30 SL 1881
Dicologlossa hexophthalma Ocellated wedge sole Eastern Atlantic 20 TL 1831
Heteromycteris capensis Cape sole Southeast Atlantic 15 TL 1858
Heteromycteris hartzfeldii Hook-nosed sole Western Pacific 20 SL 1853
Heteromycteris japonicus Bamboo sole Northwest Pacific 13.5 SL 1846
Heteromycteris matsubarai Western Pacific 13 SL 1963
Heteromycteris oculus Eyed sole Indo-West Pacific. 15 TL 1889
Heteromycteris proboscideus True sole Southeast Atlantic 10 TL 1925
Leptachirus alleni Allen’s Sole Asia 8.6 SL 2007
Leptachirus bensbach Bensbach River Sole Oceania 10.7 SL 2007
Leptachirus darwinensis Darwin Sole Oceania 7 SL 2007
Leptachirus kikori Kikori River Sole Oceania 7.2 SL 2007
Leptachirus klunzingeri Tailed sole Asia 1907
Leptachirus lorentz Lorentz River Sole Asia 8.1 SL 2007
Leptachirus polylepis Manyscale Sole Oceania 6.3 SL 2007
Leptachirus robertsi Robert’s Sole Oceania 7.1 SL 2007
Leptachirus triramus Three-line Sole Oceania 5.9 SL 2007
Liachirus melanospilos Carpet sole Indo-West Pacific 15 SL 1854
Liachirus whitleyi Western Central Pacific 1950
Microchirus azevia Eastern Atlantic 40 SL 1867
Microchirus boscanion Lusitanian sole Eastern Atlantic 20 TL 1926
Microchirus frechkopi Frechkop's sole Eastern Atlantic 20 TL 1952
Microchirus ocellatus Foureyed sole Eastern Central Atlantic 21 TL 1758
Microchirus theophila Bastard sole Eastern Central Atlantic 46 SL 1810
Microchirus variegatus Thickback sole Northeast Atlantic 35 SL 1808
Microchirus wittei Banded sole Eastern Atlantic 25 TL 1950
Monochirus atlanticus Eastern Atlantic 20 SL 1940
Monochirus hispidus Whiskered sole Mediterranean Sea. 22 TL 1814
Monochirus trichodactylus Western Pacific 1758
Paradicula setifer Western Central Pacific. 1927
Pardachirus balius Piebald sole Western Indian Ocean 22 TL 1994
Pardachirus hedleyi Southern peacock sole Southwest Pacific 15 TL 1916
Pardachirus marmoratus Finless sole Western Indian Ocean 26 TL 1802
Pardachirus morrowi Persian carpet sole Western Indian Ocean 18 TL 1954
Pardachirus pavoninus Peacock sole Indo-Pacific 25 TL 1802
Pardachirus poropterus Estuary sole Asia and Oceania 7 SL 1851
Pardachirus rautheri Oceania 1931
Pegusa cadenati Cadenat's sole Eastern Atlantic 18 SL 1954
Pegusa impar Adriatic sole Eastern Atlantic 35 TL 1831
Pegusa lascaris Sand sole Eastern Atlantic 40 SL 1810
Pegusa nasuta Blackhand sole Northern Mediterranean Se 21.7 TL 1814
Pegusa triophthalma Cyclope sole Eastern Central Atlantic 30 TL 1863
Phyllichthys punctatus Spotted sole Eastern Indian Ocean 25 SL 1916
Phyllichthys sclerolepis Western Central Pacific. 1878
Phyllichthys sejunctus Western Central Pacific. 1935
Rendahlia jaubertensis Western Central Pacific. 1921
Rhinosolea microlepidota Northwest Pacific 2.4 SL 1946
Solea aegyptiaca Egyptian sole Mediterranean Sea 65 TL 1927
Solea capensis Eastern Atlantic 1902
Solea elongata Elongate sole Western Indian Ocean 30 TL 1877
Solea heinii Indian Ocean. 1903
Solea ovata Ovate sole Indo-Pacific 10 TL 1846
Solea senegalensis Senegalese sole Eastern Atlantic 60 SL 1858
Solea solea Common sole Eastern Atlantic 70 SL 1758
Solea stanalandi Stanaland's sole Western Indian Ocean 12.3 TL 1989
Solea turbynei Western Indian Ocean 17 TL 1904
Soleichthys dori Red Sea 10.6 SL 2008
Soleichthys heterorhinos Black-tip sole Eastern Indian Ocean and 18 SL 1856
Soleichthys maculosus Western Pacific 9.5 SL 2004
Soleichthys microcephalus Smallhead sole Southwest Pacific 22 TL 1862
Soleichthys multifasciatus Indian Ocean 11.9 SL 1858
Soleichthys nigrostriolatus Western Pacific 6.8 SL 1870
Soleichthys oculofasciatus Banded-eye sole Western Pacific 12.5 SL 2004
Soleichthys serpenpellis Snakeskin sole Eastern Indian Ocean to W 2004
Soleichthys siammakuti Western Pacific 8.2 SL 1975
Soleichthys tubiferus Western Indian Ocean 1876
Synaptura albomaculata Kaup's sole Indian Ocean 30 TL 1858
Synaptura cadenati Guinean sole Eastern Central Atlantic 35 TL 1948
Synaptura commersonnii Commerson's sole Indo-West Pacific 36 TL 1802
Synaptura megalepidoura Western Central Pacific 24.3 SL 1934
Synaptura salinarum Saltpan sole Oceania 15 TL 1910
Synapturichthys kleinii Klein's sole Eastern Atlantic and West 40 TL 1827
Synclidopus hogani Western Pacific 6.2 SL 2008
Synclidopus macleayanus Narrowbanded sole Western Pacific 28 TL 1881
Typhlachirus caecus Asia 14 TL 1931
Typhlachirus elongatus Mekong blind sole Western Pacific 7.1 SL 1940
Typhlachirus lipophthalmus Western Pacific 10 SL 1882
Vanstraelenia chirophthalma African solenette Eastern Atlantic 28 TL 1915
Zebrias altipinnis Indo-West Pacific 20 NG 1890
Zebrias annandalei Indian Ocean 1967
Zebrias callizona Western Pacific 1903
Zebrias cancellatus Harrowed sole Eastern Indian Ocean 27 TL 1916
Zebrias captivus Convict zebra sole Western Indian Ocean 9.7 TL 1995
Zebrias cochinensis Western Indian Ocean 1967
Zebrias craticulus Wicker work sole Eastern Indian Ocean 15 TL 1916
Zebrias crossolepis Northwest Pacific 14.3 SL 1965
Zebrias japonica Wavyband sole Western Pacific 15 SL 1860
Zebrias keralensis Indian Ocean 1976
Zebrias lucapensis Western Central Pacific 8.4 TL 1985
Zebrias maculosus Indian Ocean 1977
Zebrias munroi Western Central Pacific 1966
Zebrias penescalaris Duskybanded sole Eastern Indian Ocean 15 TL 1987
Zebrias quagga Fringefin zebra sole Indo-West Pacific 15 TL 1858
Zebrias regani South African zebra sole Western Indian Ocean 16 TL 1906
Zebrias scalaris Many-band sole Southwest Pacific 20 TL 1987
Zebrias synapturoides Indian zebra sole Indo-West Pacific 15 TL 1910
Zebrias zebra Zebra sole Western Pacific 26 TL 1787
Zebrias zebrinus Northwest Pacific 25 SL 1846

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013