Reproduktion hos Mogurnda adspersa
Document source:
Main Ref. Merrick, J.R. and G.E. Schmida, 1984
Mode dioecism
Befruktning external
Mating type
Lekfrekvens one clear seasonal peak per year
Spawning aggregation Ref.  
Leker upprepade gånger Yes.   Ref.  Merrick, J.R. and G.E. Schmida, 1984
Reproductive guild guarders
clutch tenders
Parental Care
Beskrivning av livscykel ochfortplantningsbeteende Male swims around female with all fins erect and opercula expanded. This courting behavior may continue for some days. Female deposits about 30 eggs and then rests while male fertilizes them. She then continues to lay another batch. After producing about 280-1300 eggs, the female moves away and the male remains to fan and guard the eggs until hatching (Ref. 7327).
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