Food items reported for Oncorhynchus kisutch
n = 29
Food I Food II Food III Food name Country Predator Stage
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Berryteuthis magister (not available) juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Doryteuthis opalescens USA juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Loligo opalescens USA juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish unidentified squids Canada juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Ammodytes hexapterus Canada juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Alosa pseudoharengus USA juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish herring (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish sculpins (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish anchovies (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish cod (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish hake (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Canada recruits/juv.
nekton finfish bony fish Oncorhynchus keta Canada recruits/juv.
nekton finfish bony fish Oncorhynchus nerka Alaska recruits/juv.
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish unidentified USA recruits/juv.
others others n.a./others unidentified (not available) Larvae
others others n.a./others unidentified (not available) Larvae
others others n.a./others unidentified spiders Alaska Larvae
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans unidentified crustaceans (not available) adults
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified (not available) recruits/juv.
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified (not available) Larvae
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified (not available) recruits/juv.
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified larvae Alaska Larvae
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified (not available) Larvae
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified (not available) Larvae
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified Alaska Larvae
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified (not available) Larvae
zoobenthos insects insects unidentified Alaska Larvae
zooplankton other plank. invertebrates n.a./other plank. Invertebrates unidentified (not available) Larvae
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