List of Common Names with groppe

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Cogob_u6.jpg Groppe German Austria Cottus gobio Vernacular
Cobai_f0.gif Baikalgroppe German Georgia Comephorus baikalensis Vernacular
Comic_u5.jpg Baltische Groppe German Germany Cottus microstomus Vernacular
Enbis_u2.jpg Büffelgroppe German Germany Enophrys bison Vernacular
Cogre_u0.jpg Gelbflossige Baikalgroppe German Germany Cottocomephorus grewingkii Vernacular
Cogob_u6.jpg Groppe German Germany Cottus gobio Vernacular
Scmar_u3.jpg Groppe German Germany Scorpaenichthys marmoratus Vernacular
Roval_u0.jpg Groppenbarsch German Germany Romanichthys valsanicola Vernacular
Babai_u2.jpg Großköpfige Baikalgroppe German Germany Batrachocottus baicalensis Vernacular
Coine_u0.jpg Langflossige Baikalgroppe German Germany Cottocomephorus inermis Vernacular
Comic_u0.jpg Nordatlantische Groppe German Germany Cottunculus microps Vernacular
Corhe_u0.jpg Rheingroppe German Germany Cottus rhenanus Vernacular
Prjei_f0.gif Rote Baikalgroppe German Germany Procottus jeittelesii Vernacular
Coper_u5.jpg Scheldegroppe German Germany Cottus perifretum Vernacular
Cocog_u0.jpg Schleimige Groppe German Germany Cottus cognatus Vernacular
Copoe_u2.jpg Sibirische Groppe German Germany Alpinocottus poecilopus Vernacular
Pakne_u0.jpg Steingroppe German Germany Paracottus knerii Vernacular
Poaci_u0.jpg Störpanzergroppe German Germany Podothecus accipenserinus Vernacular
Cogob_u6.jpg Groppe German Switzerland Cottus gobio Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12