Abundance Information for Mallotus villosus
Land Alaska Ecosysteem East Bering Sea
Lokaliteit Northern Bering Sea Diepte
Geïntroduceerd Year Intro.
Levensfase not specified unsexed
Quantitative 4 Eenheid kg/m2
Semi Quantitative <100 Eenheid kg/m2
Qualitative abundant
Jaar 2007 - 2007 Periode 2001-present
Datum 01/01/07 - 01/12/07 Record Type survey
Record Type survey
Seasonal yes Methode swept area
Opmerkingen Quantitative data was extracted from a figure using an online digitization software. Exact date of surveys were not specified. Samples from surface trawls during the fall Bering Sea-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS). Mallotus villosus were generally distributed offshore, between 50 and 100m bottom depth (Ref. 121517).
(bv. 9948)
( bv. cephalopods )
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