Tillväxtparametrar för Phoxinus phoxinus
Maxlängd 14cm TL
n = 3
Note that studies where Loo is very different (+/- 1/3) from Lmax are doubtful.
Lm vs Linf graph [n = 1]
Reproductive graph [n = 1]
M vs K graph [n = 2]
M vs Linf graph [n = 2]
Longevity vs 3/K graph [n = 1]
ø = 1.48
L inf = 10.5 cm SL
K = 0.3
Median record no. 2
125631Ref. 125631
Längdmått K
Kön M
Temp° C Lm Ø' Land Observationsplats tvivelaktig I fångenskap
9.1 TL 0.550 1.10 9.0 3.8 1.66 UK Engld Wal Lake Windermere Yes No
10.5 SL 0.272 0.38 1.48 Eurasia No No
10.8 FL 0.550 1.81 UK Engld Wal River Shirhowy, southeast Wales No No
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