Abundance Information for Mugil cephalus
Réf. Princ.
Pays Australia Écosystème Tasman Sea
Localité Allens Creek (mangrove) Profondeur
Introduit Year Intro.
Stade de développement not specified unsexed
Quantitative 0 Unité number
Semi Quantitative 0 Unité number
Qualitative absent
Année 2001 - 2002 Période 2001-present
Date 01/12/01 - 31/08/02 Record Type field sample
Record Type field sample
Seasonal yes Méthode random sampling
Remarques Four meter long funnel-shaped Fyke net with one central and two lateral wings and a 40 cm wide and 25 cm high entrance (mesh size 2 mm) were used. Fish were collected from two replicate fyke nets from mangrove after the tide had fully receeded. Collection dates were December 2001, January 2002 and August 2002 during the spring high tide.
(ex. 9948)
( ex. cephalopods )
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